Without any doubt, the oceans, which cover 71% of the globe, are vitally important, environmentally, economically, socially, and culturally. Unfortunately, many indicators emphasize that the health of the oceans is in very serious jeopardy today. To address this pressing global issue, researchers, managers, and decision-makers need access to current, accurate, and reliable information. Evidence-based policies […]
Grey Literature
“Canada’s Oceans Now: Atlantic Ecosystems 2018” Report. Its Potential Use and Influence
To great fanfare, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) recently released Canada’s Oceans Now: Atlantic Ecosystems 2018 (DFO, 2019). This 43-page publication is based on a larger scientific synthesis report presented at a meeting in December 2017 (Bernier, Jamieson, & Moore, 2018). Canada’s Oceans Now: Atlantic Ecosystems 2018 focuses on the overall health […]
“Drivers of Change in Gulf of Maine Ecosystems”: Highlights of the 2018 RARGOM Annual Science Meeting
The Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine (RARGOM), a group that annually sponsors a one-day gathering of marine scientists, science managers, and fisheries managers from around the Gulf of Maine and Bay of Fundy, held its 2018 meeting in Portland, Maine, on 26 October 2018. As in previous years, the EIUI research […]
EIUI Researcher Conducts Study about the International Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts
Is your institution a subscriber to the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA)? If so, you can assist with an evaluation of this major international information resource. Since 1971 the ASFA database has been providing access to information about the science, technology, and management of marine, brackishwater, and freshwater environments globally. Operating as an international […]
EIUI Book Chapter Post: What Good are State of the Environment Reports?
“The Science-Policy Interface in Coastal and Ocean Management” is a series of posts highlighting the chapters in the new book: Science, Information, and Policy Interface for Effective Coastal and Ocean Management, edited by Bertrum H. MacDonald, Suzuette S. Soomai, Elizabeth M. De Santo, and Peter G. Wells, published by CRC Press (Taylor & Francis). Is […]
Black Leads to Grey – the Influence of Oil Pollution Information in the Grey Literature

The impact of oil pollution of the marine environment by petroleum oil and its refined products has been recognized for many decades. Hence, oil is an internationally regulated pollutant under the MARPOL 73/76 Convention and the London Convention and Protocol (Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1972), […]
MacDonald and Ross Present Paper at Canadian Science and Technology Historical Association Conference

EIUI team members Bertrum MacDonald and James Ross presented the paper “Crossing Borders in Scientific Literature: The Case of Environmental Assessment Reports,” at the nineteenth biennial conference of the Canadian Science and Technology Historical Association / l’Association pour l’histoire de la science et de la technologie au Canada held at York University, Toronto, 6-8 November […]
Suzuette Soomai Completes her Doctoral Research on the Role of Fisheries Information

Suzuette Soomai, Interdisciplinary PhD student with the EIUI research program, successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on 30 October 2015. Her research focused on the role of fisheries scientific information in policy- and decision-making for fisheries management. She studied the information pathways – production, communication, and use of scientific information – at the operational level in […]
EIUI Co-Hosts the 2015 ASFA Advisory Board Meeting

In collaboration with our research partner, the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO), the EIUI co-hosted the annual meeting of the international Advisory Board of the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) held in Halifax on 5-9 October, 2015. ASFA is an international cooperative information system for the collection and dissemination of information covering the science, […]
EIUI Participates in the 41st IAMSLIC Conference

Suzuette Soomai, PhD Candidate and a member of the EIUI research program, participated in the 41st International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC) Annual Conference, “Blue Growth: Motivating innovations in aquatic information management,” hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in Rome, Italy, on September […]