The Environmental Information: Use and Influence (EIUI) research team is very pleased to announce that an application for an Insight Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) has been approved. The five-year (2015-2020) funding of $371,575.00 will support the team’s continuing research on questions about the use of information in […]
Lee Wilson Defends his Master’s Thesis Research on Tidal Power Communication Networks in the Bay of Fundy Region
Lee Wilson, Master of Library and Information Studies (MLIS) student with the EIUI research program, successfully defended his thesis on 30 November 2015. His research examined several aspects of inter-organizational communication among organizations affected by tidal power developments in the Bay of Fundy region in Atlantic Canada. Capturing tidal energy through the implementation of tidal […]
MacDonald and Ross Present Paper at Canadian Science and Technology Historical Association Conference
EIUI team members Bertrum MacDonald and James Ross presented the paper “Crossing Borders in Scientific Literature: The Case of Environmental Assessment Reports,” at the nineteenth biennial conference of the Canadian Science and Technology Historical Association / l’Association pour l’histoire de la science et de la technologie au Canada held at York University, Toronto, 6-8 November […]
Citizen Science – Achieving a Balance with Government Programs
An editorial in the latest issue of the Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science (PNSIS) calls for a debate about the role of citizen science in environmental initiatives in Canada (Wells & Richardson, 2015). “Citizen science” refers to the collection and analysis of data by amateur or nonprofessional scientists. Environmental monitoring programs initiated […]
New Interdisciplinary Graduate Course Inspired by EIUI Research Featured in Dal News
A recent Dal News article highlighted the newly minted, interdisciplinary course: “INFO 6100 – Role of Information in Public Policy and Decision Making.” The course introduces students to the many roles played by information in policy and decision making and the challenges of communicating information at the research-policy interface. Bertrum MacDonald, currently interim dean of […]
EIUI Student James Ross Receives Research Award
James Ross, a graduate student who completed his Master’s thesis within the Environmental Information: Use and Influence research program, received the 2015 Research Prize awarded by the School of Information Management. This prize is awarded to a graduating student who has demonstrated significant success in research and was announced at the Spring Convocation on 26 […]
EIUI Partnership Initiatives with the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) recently released its Annual Report which includes an account of the research partnership with EIUI on page 18. The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) is a regional, intergovernmental fisheries management body that conducts scientific research, provides advice, and facilitates cooperation among its members on management and conservation of fisheries […]
EIUI Team Members at Recent Symposia and Conferences
In recent weeks, Environmental Information: Use and Influence research team members have presented papers and posters to audiences in Europe, United States, and Canada. Dr. Bertrum MacDonald was the invited, keynote speaker at the Informational Governance and Environmental Sustainability Symposium at Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands on 16-17 October 2014. Drawing on research undertaken in […]
New Book About the Bedford Institute of Oceanography
Voyage of Discovery: Fifty Years of Marine Research at Canada’s Bedford Institute of Oceanography is being officially launched this week. This commemorative volume marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO) celebrated in 2012. The BIO-Oceans Association announced the publication as a “major treatise reviewing the history and marine research accomplishments of […]
Environmental Information: Use and Influence (EIUI) Featured in Dalhousie Faculty of Management Magazine
Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Management’s annual magazine features EIUI in an article entitled “Dams, drugs, dissemination and demographics” that discusses a range of research work pursued in the Faculty’s four schools. Special mention is given to the Environmental Information: Use and Influence research program, which is lauded for its interdisciplinary approach: the EIUI “makes the […]