EIUI Team Member Publishes a Paper on Assessing Public ‘Participation’ in Environmental Decision-Making

Elizabeth De Santo, Department of Earth and Environment at Franklin & Marshall College, Pennsylvania, and Adjunct Professor at Dalhousie University, recently published a new paper about public consultations regarding marine protected areas in the UK. The paper provides an assessment of public consultation processes and outlines implications resulting from the erosion of public confidence in the […]

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Citizen Science – Achieving a Balance with Government Programs

An editorial in the latest issue of the Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science (PNSIS) calls for a debate about the role of citizen science in environmental initiatives in Canada (Wells & Richardson, 2015). “Citizen science” refers to the collection and analysis of data by amateur or nonprofessional scientists. Environmental monitoring programs initiated […]

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Suzuette Soomai Completes her Doctoral Research on the Role of Fisheries Information

Suzuette Soomai, Interdisciplinary PhD student with the EIUI research program, successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on 30 October 2015. Her research focused on the role of fisheries scientific information in policy- and decision-making for fisheries management. She studied the information pathways – production, communication, and use of scientific information – at the operational level in […]

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EIUI Researcher Presents Paper at 2015 Digital Earth Conference

On 5-9 October 2015 delegates from around the world came to Halifax to participate in the 9th International Symposium on Digital Earth – “Towards a One-World Vision for the Blue Planet.” As a concept, Digital Earth aims to virtually represent the planet’s environments and social systems in a geographical framework for various research applications. The […]

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EIUI Participates in the 41st IAMSLIC Conference

Suzuette Soomai, PhD Candidate and a member of the EIUI research program, participated in the 41st International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC) Annual Conference, “Blue Growth: Motivating innovations in aquatic information management,” hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in Rome, Italy, on September […]

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EIUI Partnership Initiatives with the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization

The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) recently released its Annual Report which includes an account of the research partnership with EIUI on page 18. The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) is a regional, intergovernmental fisheries management body that conducts scientific research, provides advice, and facilitates cooperation among its members on management and conservation of fisheries […]

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Using Information: Models and Influential Factors

Research based information is important in decision and policy making, and problem management. Understanding how information is used offers an opportunity to improve these aspects of decision making and the inclusion of different networks. Models, framing, structure, and knowledge systems are all components that influence how research-based information is used and are explored below. Considering […]

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Coastal Web Atlases in Policy and Decision-Making: An EIUI Study

With over 10,000 km of coastline, Nova Scotia is undeniably a coastal province. Numerous activities occur within the coastal zone making it a highly valuable area for many Nova Scotians. For this reason, numerous stakeholders are involved with studying and making decisions about various aspects and activities that occur in the coastal zones around the […]

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Engaging and Consulting with the Public Effectively

Public consultation is a difficult and multi-layered process, with no single approach working effectively for all situations (Doubleday & Wilsdon, 2013). Governments must implement clear goals and techniques when engaging in public consultation (OECD, 2001). Networking, using tools that are fit-for-purpose, and ensuring citizens are aware of their legal and ethical rights are elements needed […]

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The Communication of Research-Based Information in a Public Policy Context: Bridging the Divide

Research should be an essential component in the development and implementation of public policy. By informing decision makers of the potential costs and benefits of a particular action or inaction, research can contribute to sound decision making. However, the technical and scientific nature of research often may not obviously match the policy implications of decision […]

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