EIUI Presents Workshop “Marine Information Matters” 20-21 September 2013



The Environmental Information: Use and Influence research initiative presents a workshop on “Marine Information Matters: Probing Its Use and Influence in Policy and Decision Making” on Saturday, 21 September. The one-day workshop will be preceded by a public lecture by Dr. Richard Grainger, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (Rome) on Friday, 20 September. Both the workshop and the lecture will be of particular interest to students and researchers on marine sciences and public policy, and staff of governmental and non-governmental organizations. Both events are open with no registration fee, but an RSVP (to eiui@dal.ca) is required for the workshop to assist with planning.



The interdisciplinary Environmental Information: Use and Influence research team is currently pursuing research in partnership with:

  • Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans
  • Canada Department of the Environment
  • Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
  • WWF Canada
  • Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership
  • Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society

The workshop will feature presentations about the importance and complexity of the science-policy interface, discussion of research methodologies to measure and understand the use and influence of scientific information in policy and decision making contexts, and reports on case studies being pursued with the partner organizations.

Further details about the workshop are available at the Workshop page in this Web site.

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