New Paper: Measuring Engagement with Shark Research in Science, News and Social Media, and Policy: A Bibliometric Analysis

What does research say about the shark species that navigate oceans all over the world? Is it critical to protect them? Does relevant scientific knowledge make its way to policymakers and journalists alike? In a study published on 13 September 2023 in Marine Policy, an internationally renowned journal dealing with marine affairs, we analyzed the […]

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The Impact of Public Consultations on Decision-Making: A Necessary Source of Information

As governments are faced with solving increasingly complex social issues, recognition is growing that research-based information alone cannot resolve these issues. Public consultation is a vital source of information to understand citizen and stakeholder interests better and incorporate diverse considerations into policy development. Along with these benefits, public consultation involves many challenges. It is a […]

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Measuring the Use and Influence of Research-Based Information: Finding Meaning in Complexity

While research-based information can be transmitted in a variety of ways, such as through publications or conference presentations, the question of whether such information is being used by or influencing policymakers themselves remains. The resulting interest in evaluation of both the use and influence of research is driven by two groups: decision makers, who are […]

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Enablers and Barriers: Communicating Scientific Information to the Public

We live in an information age, where reams of new data are available on every matter of scientific inquiry. But these advances have only created challenges for communicators of scientific information. Scientists scour raw data and transform them into new information and knowledge but employing this knowledge to produce behavioural change in the voting, eating, […]

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What is “Evidence” in Evidence-Based Policy? Brief Discussion of Selected Recent Literature

In today’s post-pandemic world where evidence-based decision making has gained extensive public prominence, understanding how evidence is defined helps to explain why reference is frequently made about its use in many and diverse settings and why evidence can be contested. In this blog post, we summarize and integrate the key findings of six recent academic […]

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Science and Policy Interacting to Address the Human Population Crisis — The Wizard and the Prophet: A Review

This book is an exemplary example of how research in environmental science and policy interweaves in areas crucially important to humanity’s future. It describes the efforts of two scientists concerned about the global impact of human population increases in the twentieth century and their opposing views and approaches to tackling “the problem.” The scientists are […]

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Inspirational Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5), Vancouver, 3-9 February 2023

Since the declaration of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), an incredible push to address biodiversity loss and climate change has become widespread. As part of efforts to ensure ocean protection, the Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5) was held in Vancouver, Canada from 3-9 February 2023. Attendees represented […]

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