“Tides of Change” – The ACCESS-Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership Conference, 4-7 June 2024

With the highest tides in the world as a backdrop, the joint Atlantic Canada Coastal and Estuarine Science Society (ACCESS) and the Bay of Fund Ecosystem Partnership (BoFEP) biennial conference was aptly headlined “Tides of Change: Accelerating Conservation and Protection Efforts in Atlantic Canada’s Estuarine and Coastal Waters.” While the macro tides alone are a […]

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Global Access to Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Information: New EIUI Study about the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts

Without any doubt, the oceans, which cover 71% of the globe, are vitally important, environmentally, economically, socially, and culturally. Unfortunately, many indicators emphasize that the health of the oceans is in very serious jeopardy today. To address this pressing global issue, researchers, managers, and decision-makers need access to current, accurate, and reliable information. Evidence-based policies […]

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Public Engagement in Environmental Assessments: Recent Conference Paper by EIUI Team Member

At the 42nd AMOP technical seminar on environmental contamination and response, hosted by Environment and Climate Change Canada in Halifax, on 4-6 June 2019, Ian Stewart presented a paper in the session on “Social Aspects Oil Spill Response Planning.” The first AMOP technical seminar, held in Edmonton in 1978, launched the former Arctic and Marine […]

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EIUI at the 2018 Bay of Fundy Science Workshop – Proceedings Now Available

The Bay of Fundy, and the larger Gulf of Maine, is one of the most diverse ecological ocean and coastal areas globally and home to the world’s highest tides. The Bay of Fundy was the Canadian finalist in the worldwide New7Wonders of Nature contest (2007-2011). Since 1996, the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership (BoFEP) has […]

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“The Future of Ocean Governance and Capacity Development” Now in Open Access

The International Ocean Institute-Canada has announced that its recently published book The Future of Ocean Governance and Capacity Development: Essays in Honor of Elisabeth Mann Borgese (1918-2002) is now available in open access format. The full book (11 Mb pdf file) and the individual essays can be downloaded at this link. The contributions by EIUI […]

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“Canada’s Oceans Now: Atlantic Ecosystems 2018” Report. Its Potential Use and Influence

To great fanfare, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) recently released Canada’s Oceans Now: Atlantic Ecosystems 2018 (DFO, 2019). This 43-page publication is based on a larger scientific synthesis report presented at a meeting in December 2017 (Bernier, Jamieson, & Moore, 2018). Canada’s Oceans Now: Atlantic Ecosystems 2018 focuses on the overall health […]

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Measuring Use and Influence of Research-Based Information

New and diverse research results are produced daily. However, once research-based information is made available to users, how do we know whether the information is relevant and helpful? Has the information been used in its intended form, or has it been misinterpreted? As these questions relate to connections and disconnections in the science-policy interface, we […]

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The Role of Traditional News Media and Social Media in Promoting Awareness of Research-Based Information

The news media is a powerful agent that translates information across the science-policy interface to inform the general public of decisions made by policy-makers. However, news coverage is all too often shaped by political or cultural biases and the realities of the news business. These realities include journalistic norms and preferences that lead to news […]

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Barriers and Enablers in Information Transfer at the Science-Policy Interface

The transfer of research information from providers to users is essential for management operations and decision-making. More specifically, users of information such as policy-makers and managers often use evidence from different sources to inform their decisions about local and global problems. It is important to highlight that different types of knowledge exist as well. For […]

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Challenges and Benefits of Public Consultations as Advisory Processes

Stakeholder engagement in evidence-based policy and decision making is an important multifaceted advisory process, which is characterized by several challenges relating to information management. In complex areas such as public health or the environment, effective decision-making involves commitment from policymakers to understand the subject in question holistically as well as be aware that policies affect […]

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