Books and Book Chapters

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MacDonald, B. H., & Soomai, S. S. (2019). Environmental research and knowledge production within governmental organizations. In L. Börjesson & I. Huvila (Eds.), Research outside the Academy (pp. 21-50). Palgrave Macmillan / Springer International Publishing. (Full Entry)
Soomai, S. S., & MacDonald, B. H. (2018). Information matters: Global perspectives about communication at the science-policy interface. In D. Werle, P. Boudreau, M. R. Brooks, M. J. A. Butler, A. Charles, S. Coffen-Smout, D. Griffiths, I. McAllister, M. L. McConnell, I. Porter, S. J. Rolston, & P. G. Wells (Eds.). The future of ocean governance and capacity development: Essays in honor of Elisabeth Mann Borgese (1918-2002) (pp. 275-280). Leiden: Brill | Nijhoff. (Full Entry)
MacDonald, B. H., Soomai, S. S., De Santo, E. M., & Wells, P. G. (Eds.). (2016). Science, information, and policy interface for effective coastal and ocean management. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. (Full Entry)
MacDonald, B. H., Soomai, S. S. De Santo, E. M., & Wells, P. G. (2016). Introduction. In B. H. MacDonald, S. S. Soomai, E. M. De Santo, & P. G. Wells (Eds.), Science, information, and policy interface for effective coastal and ocean management (pp. 3-18). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. (Full Entry)
MacDonald, B. H., Soomai, S. S., De Santo, E. M., & Wells, P. G. (2016). Understanding the science-policy interface in integrated coastal and ocean management. In B. H. MacDonald, S. S. Soomai, E. M. De Santo, & P. G. Wells (Eds.), Science, information, and policy interface for effective coastal and ocean management (pp. 19-43). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. (Full Entry)
Quigley, K., & Porter, K. (2016). Risk defined at the science-policy interface: The international risk governance framework applied to different classes of coastal zone risks. In B. H. MacDonald, S. S. Soomai, E. M. De Santo, & P. G. Wells (Eds.), Science, information, and policy interface for effective coastal and ocean management (pp. 103-124). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. (Full Entry)
Soomai, S. S., Wells, P. G., MacDonald, B. H., De Santo, E. M., & Gruzd, A. (2016). Measuring awareness, use, and influence of information: Where theory meets practice. In B. H. MacDonald, S. S. Soomai, E. M. De Santo, & P. G. Wells (Eds.), Science, information, and policy interface for effective coastal and ocean management (pp. 253-279). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. (Full Entry)
Ross, J. D. & Breeze, H. (2016). What do users want from a state of the environment report? A case study of awareness and use of Canada's State of the Scotian Shelf Report. In B. H. MacDonald, S. S. Soomai, E. M. De Santo, & P. G. Wells (Eds.), Science, information, and policy interface for effective coastal and ocean management (pp. 283-302). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. (Full Entry)
Wells, P. G. (2016). A career-based perspective of science-policy linkages in Environment Canada: The role of information in managing human activities in our ocean spaces. In B. H. MacDonald, S. S. Soomai, E. M. De Santo, & P. G. Wells (Eds.), Science, information, and policy interface for effective coastal and ocean management (pp. 367-388). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. (Full Entry)
De Santo, E. M., Soomai, S. S., Wells, P. G., & MacDonald, B. H. (2016). Does information matter in ICOM? Critical issues and the path forward. In B. H. MacDonald, S. S. Soomai, E. M. De Santo, & P. G. Wells (Eds.), Science, information, and policy interface for effective coastal and ocean management (pp. 447-465). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. (Full Entry)
MacDonald, B.H., Wells, P.G., Cordes, R.E., Hutton, G.R.G., Cossarini, D.M., & Soomai, S.S.. (2010). The use and influence of information produced as grey literature by international, intergovernmental marine organizations: Overview of current research. In D.J. Farace & J. Schpfel. (Eds.) Grey literature in library and information studies. Berlin: De Gruyter Saur. (Full Entry)