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Mongeon, P. (2021). Mobilizing research in the public sphere: A case study of research on sharks. Sustainable Oceans Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 23-25 September 2021. (Full Entry)
Ryder-Burbidge, S., MacDonald, B. H., & Soomai, S. S. (2021). A coastal case study: Can cultural ecosystem services frameworks accurately interpret plain language survey responses. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Annual Science Conference, Virtual. 6-10 September 2021. (Full Entry)
MacDonald, B. H., De Santo, E. M., Mongeon, P., Soomai, S. S., Stewart, I., & Wells, P. G. (2021. The critical need to understand barriers to the flow of information in science-policy interfaces. International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) Conference, Montreal, 30 August - 2 September 2021. (Full Entry)
Cadman, R., Martin, C., Moreland, H. R., & MacDonald, B. H. (2021). Engaging stakeholders: Exploring participation in environmental governance. Coastal Zone Canada Conference, Iqualuit, Nunavut, Canada, 13-16 June 2021. (Full Entry)
MacDonald, B. H., De Santo, E. M., Soomai, S. S., & Wells, P. G. (2021). Advancing coastal and marine management and conservation through understanding enablers and barriers in the use and influence of research information. Coastal Zone Canada Conference, Iqualuit, Nunavut, Canada, 13-16 June 2021. (Full Entry)
Moreland, H., Cadman, R., Martin, C., & MacDonald, B. H. (2020). The challenge of consensus: Exploring participation in environmental governance. National Council for Science and the Environment Conference, Washington, DC, 6-9 January 2020. (Full Entry)
Wells, P. G., MacDonald, B. H., Soomai, S. S., Cadman, R., Chamberlain, S. D., Martin, C., Moreland, H., Ryder-Burbidge, S., & Wilson, L. (2019). Addressing critical environmental issues in the Gulf of Maine: Results of recent studies of information and communication by the Gulf of Maine Council. Gulf of Maine 2050 International Symposium, Portland, Maine, 4-8 November 2019
Wells. P. G., MacDonald, B. H. Soomai, S. S. Ross, J. D., Wilson, L. Cadman, R., Castillo, D., Eck, K. & Ryder-Burbidge, S. (2018). The science-policy interface for evolving ecosystems. Scientific information use in coastal and ocean decision-making. 2018 Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine (RARGOM) Annual Science Meeting. Drivers of Change in Gulf of Maine Ecosystems, Portland, Maine, 26 October 2018. (Full Entry)
Wilson, L. (2015). The communication of information in inter-organizational networks: Tidal power network(s) in the Bay of Fundy region. Smart Energy Event, Halifax, Canada, 14-15 April 2015. (Full Entry)
Ross, J., Chamberlain, S., & McLean, S. (2015). Improving the communication of marine environmental information. Sustainability and Environmental Research Symposium, Halifax, Canada, 13 March 2015. (Full Entry)
Avdic, V., MacDonald, B. H., Farmer, T., Kalentsits, M., & Grainger, R. (2014). The value of global overview reports: A case study of the use of The State of the World Fisheries and Aquaculture published by the Food and Agriculture Organization. Coastal Zone Canada 2014 Conference, Halifax, Canada, 15 -19 June 2014. (Full Entry)
Roy, A. (2014). A community in decline: Citizen engagement and the Whites Point Quarry and Marine Terminal Project, Digby, Nova Scotia. Coastal Zone Canada 2014 Conference, Halifax, Canada, 15 -19 June 2014. (Full Entry)
Ross, J. D. (2014). What do users want from a state of the environment report? A case study from the State of the Scotian Shelf Report. The Atlantic Provinces Library Association Conference 2014, Moncton, Canada, 3-6 June 2014. (Full Entry)
Soomai, S.S., De Santo, E.M., Wells, P.G., & MacDonald, B. H. (2012). Understanding the Interaction between Marine Information Production and Policy-Making Processes. Planet Under Pressure Conference, London, UK, 26 -29 March 2012. (Full Entry)
Soomai, S.S., B.H. MacDonald, E.M. De Santo, & P.G.Wells. (2012). Marine ecosystem management and policy making processes: tracing information pathways. RARGOM Poster, 2012 RARGOM (Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine), Annual Science Meeting, Portsmouth, NH. Oct 1012. (Full Entry)
De Santo, E., MacDonald, B., Wells, P.G., & Soomai S.S. (2012). Understanding the influence of marine environmental information on policy-making in a changing climate. Global Conference on Oceans, Climate and Security in Boston, 22-23 May 2012. (Full Entry)
Soomai, S.S., MacDonald, B. H., De Santo, E. M., & Wells, P. G. (2012). Marine information and policy-making processes: Tracing information pathways. Canada Atlantic Provinces Library Association (APLA) Conference, May 22-25, 2012, Wolfville, NS. Dalhousie University: Halifax, NS. (Full Entry)
Oceans of Information EIUI Brochure, 2012. (Full Entry)
MacDonald, B.H., Wells, P.G., Soomai, S.S., Cossarini, D.M., Cordes, R.E., Hutton, G.R.G., Delany, C.E., De Santo, E.M. (2011). From Science to Policy Making: Investigating the Use and Influence of Marine Environmental Grey Literature. 2011 Information Without Borders Conference, Dalhousie University, February 3, 2011. (Full Entry)
Cossarini, D.M, Soomai, S. S., MacDonald, B. H., & Wells, P. G. (2010). The Primacy of Grey: Studies of Publications of Marine Governmental Groups. 6th Annual Sustainability and Environmental Research Symposium, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 25, 2010. (Full Entry)
Cossarini, D. M., MacDonald, B. H. & Wells, P. G. (2010). Awareness not Genre Matters: A Case Study of the Scientific Grey Literature of an Intergovernmental Organization. Twelfth International Conference on Grey Literature (GL12), Prague, Czech Republic, December 6-7, 2010...(Full Entry)
MacDonald, B.H., Wells, P.G., Soomai, S.S., Cossarini, D.M., Cordes, R.E. Hutton, G.R.G. (2010). From Science to Policy Making: Investigating the Use and Influence of Marine Environmental Grey Literature. Annual Science Meeting of the Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine (RARGOM), Portsmouth, New Hampshire, October 6, 2010. (Full Entry)
MacDonald, B. H., Wells, P. G., Soomai, S. S., Cossarini, D. M., Cordes, R. E., Hutton, G. R. G. (2010). From Science to Policy Making: Investigating the Use and Influence of Marine Environmental Grey Literature. Coastal Zone Canada 2010 Conference, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, July 25-29, 2010. (Full Entry)
MacDonald, B.H., Wells, P.G., Cossarini, D.M., Hutton, G.R.G., Soomai, S.S., Woods, J.L., Cordes, R.E., Delany, C.E., (2010). From Science to Policy Making: Investigating the Use and Influence of Marine Environmental Grey Literature. 2010 Information Without Borders Conference, Dalhousie University, February 11, 2010. (Full Entry)
MacDonald, B. H., Wells, P. G., Cordes, R. E., Hutton, G. R. G., Woods, J. L. & Soomai, S. S. (2009). From science to decisions: influence of marine environmental grey literature. 5th Annual Sustainability and Environmental Research Symposium, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 20, 2009. (Full Entry)
Hutton, G. R., MacDonald, B. H. & Wells, P. G. (2009). Communicating Environmental Information in Global Contexts: Addressing Barriers Through Digital Technologies. 5th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 7, 2009. (Full Entry)
Soomai, S. (2009). Use of Scientific Information in Decision Making for Effective Marine Resource Management [Abstract and Poster]. In Redden et al. (Ed.) Resource Development and Its Implications in the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine. Proceedings of the 8th BoFEP Bay of Fundy Science Workshop, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, May 26-29, 2009. (BoFEP Technical Report, 4, pp. 283-284). (Full Entry)
Soomai, S. (2009). Information and Influence in Fisheries Management: A Case Study of the Shrimp and Groundfish Resources in the Brazil-Guianas Continental Shelf. Proceedings of the 62nd Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, November 2-6, 2009, Cumana, Venezuela. (Span & Eng) GCFI (62), p555. (Full Entry)
Hutton, G. R. G., (2009). An Analysis of the Use of Environmental Scientific Information in Policy and Decision Making [Poster]. Information without Borders Conference, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, February 16, 2009. (Full Entry)
MacDonald, B. H., Wells, P. G., Cordes, R. E., Hutton, G. R. G., Woods, J. L. & Soomai, S. S., Cossarini, D. M. (2009). From science to policy and decision making: investigating the use and influence of marine environmental grey literature [Abstract and Poster]. In Redden et al. (Ed.) Resource Development and Its Implications in the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine. Proceedings of the 8th BoFEP Bay of Fundy Science Workshop, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, May 26-29, 2009. (BoFEP Technical Report, 4, pp. 287-288). (Full Entry)
Soomai, S. (2009). Role of Scientific Information in Decision Making for Sustainable Marine Resources. Atlantic Provinces Library Association (APLA) Conference Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 10Ð13, 2009. (Full Entry)
Hutton, G. (2009). Solving the Puzzle of Information Influence: Assembling Evidence of the Use of Scientific Grey Literature. Atlantic Provinces Library Association Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 10-13, 2009. (Full Entry)
MacDonald, B. H., Wells, P. G., Cordes, R. E., Hutton, G. R. G., Woods, J. L. & Soomai, S. S., Cossarini, D. M. (2009). From Science to Policy Making: Use and Influence of Marine Environmental Grey Literature. The Grey Mosaic: Piecing It All Together. Eleventh International Conference on Grey Literature, Washington, D.C., December 14-15, 2009. (Full Entry)
MacDonald, B. H., Cordes, R. E., Wells, P. G. & Cossarini, D. M. (2009). The Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment: An Investigation of the Use of Its Grey Literature Publications [Abstract and Poster]. In Redden et al. (Ed.) Resource Development and Its Implications in the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine. Proceedings of the 8th BoFEP Bay of Fundy Science Workshop, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, May 26-29, 2009. (BoFEP Technical Report, 4, pp. 285-286). (Full Entry)
Wells, P. G., MacDonald, B. H., Cordes, R. E., Cossarini, D. M., Hutton, G. R. G., & Woods, J. L. (2009). Use and influence of marine environmental information:continued studies of the publications of intergovernmental groups such as the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. Gulf of Maine Symposium. Advancing Ecosystem Research for the Future of the Gulf, St. Andrews, NB., RARGOM (Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine), October 4-9, 2009. (Full Entry)
Hutton, G. R. G. (2009). Tracking the use and influence of marine environmental information applying methodologies from an intergovernmental agency case study [Abstract and Poster]. In Redden et al. (Ed.) Resource Development and Its Implications in the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine. Proceedings of the 8th BoFEP Bay of Fundy Science Workshop, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, May 26-29, 2009. (BoFEP Technical Report, 4, pp. 289-290). (Full Entry)
MacDonald, B. H., Wells, P. G., Cordes, R. E., & Hutton. G. (2008). Environmental Information: Impact on Decision Making [Poster]. 4th Annual Sustainability and Environmental Research Symposium, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 14, 2008. (Full Entry)
Hutton, G. (2008). An Analysis of the Use of Environmental Scientific Information in Policy and Decision Making. Canadian Library Association (CLA) 2008 National Conference & Trade Show, Vancouver, British Columbia, May 21-24, 2008. (Full Entry)