From Science to Policy Making: Investigating the Use and Influence of Marine Environmental Grey Literature


MacDonald, B.H., Wells, P.G., Soomai, S.S., Cossarini, D.M., Cordes, R.E., Hutton, G.R.G., Delany, C.E., De Santo, E.M. (2011). From Science to Policy Making: Investigating the Use and Influence of Marine Environmental Grey Literature. 2011 Information Without Borders Conference, Dalhousie University, February 3, 2011.


This research investigates the use and influence of information produced by governmental marine resource and environmental organizations as grey literature (i.e., publications not controlled by commercial publishers). Results from a suite of research methodologies (citation analysis, content analysis, surveys), applied to four organizations, are enhancing our understanding of the production, diffusion, and use of information in scientific and public sector settings.

