State of the marine environment reports – a need to evaluate their role in marine environmental protection and conservation

Wells, P.G. (2003). State of the marine environment reports – a need to evaluate their role in marine environmental protection and conservation. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 46, 1219-1223. doi:10.1016/S0025-326X(03)00284-4


This paper discusses the rationale behind the preparation of state of the marine environment (SOME) reports, and the need to evaluate their role in marine environmental protection and conservation. Many SOME reports exist, and are being planned or prepared, but are the intended audiences known, are the reports recognized for their many value-added benefits during preparation, and are they being used effectively when completed? It is proposed that a detailed evaluation is needed of SOME reporting and reports, covering audience(s), role(s), influence, and lessons learned or overall benefits.


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