Marine environmental grey literature: A Case Study of the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment (GOMC)

This case study focused on the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment (GOMC), an intergovernmental organization with a complex governance arrangement guiding its publication practices. The Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment has a prolific publishing history and with input from state/provincial and federal levels of Canada and the United States, it is well positioned to disseminate information regarding the Gulf to decision makers on both sides of the border. The study tracked the pathways of grey literature to determine the publication and dissemination practices from the perspectives of informed insiders. Data obtained in interviews of the GOMC Working Group members highlighted a variety of pathways that grey literature can take after publication. The interview data provides insights into factors that influence the practices used to produce, disseminate, and promote awareness of grey literature.

This case study was completed by Danielle Cossarini as her MLIS thesis “Marine environmental grey literature: A case study of the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment”. Danielle’s examination committee included: Dr. Bertrum MacDonald (Supervisor): School of Information Management, Dalhousie University Dr. Peter Wells (Supervisory Committee): School of Resource and Environmental Studies, and Marine Affairs Program, Dalhousie University Dr. Kevin Quigley (Supervisory Committee): School of Public Administration, Dalhousie University Dr. Janice Graham (External Reader): Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University.

This thesis can be downloaded by clicking on this link.

(L to R) B. Mac Donald, J. Graham, D. Cossarini, K. Quigley, P. Wells.