EIUI’s research partner, the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO), released its 2013 Annual Report, which includes an account of the research being conducted by Suzuette Soomai, Interdisciplinary PhD student with the EIUI research program.
As a research partner, NAFO has accredited EIUI with official observer status for attendance at meetings of the Scientific Council and Fisheries Commission.
The Annual Report highlights the discussions, decisions, work program, and main events undertaken during 2013. The Report includes a summary of Suzuette’s research activities completed in an internship at NAFO during September through December 2103 (see page 14). NAFO, a regional intergovernmental fisheries body, is one of the three case-study organizations in Suzuette’s doctoral research on the role of fisheries scientific information in policy and decision-making for fisheries management. During her internship with NAFO Suzuette attended numerous science and management meetings and conducted interviews with a wide range of scientists and managers. NAFO facilitated access to personnel and provided office space to Suzuette at its Secretariat headquarters in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia while she pursued data collection within the organization.
Suzuette has recently completed a similar three-month internship with the Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans and is currently conducting comparable research at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome.